An interview with David Finer

There is no exact right way to cope with stress and stressful situations but some ways seem to definitely work better over time.

Overall the purpose of coping strategies is to reduce stress effectively hopefully without bad side effects.

Sometimes in the moment we just don’t “know” what will help when we are in stress.

In this week’s podcast (Episode 42), I talk to former medical journalist and public health researcher David Finer.

Originally from the UK, David moved to Sweden as a small child. On the show he talks candidly about his formative years and reflects on the stress he experienced at different times during his life. David talks and shares insights into the ways in which he found the support and relief he needed.

What I valued about speaking with David Finer is that he brings a broad yet deep perspective to the discussion. He grasps that life is hard and that you just don’t follow a To-Do list and assume that all will work out well.

I hope that what comes through is that when you learn ways to bring loving relationship towards you and trust to love outwardly into the world, you have a valuable asset for the rest of your life.

Sometimes you may believe the voices in your head are true and that what they say makes sense; however, as David shows, if you stop to listen closely they are telling you to see what it is you need. Take courage from inner support and those around you to act on that information to meet your needs so that you can enjoy your life well into your later years.

My hope is that this episode will also get you to think and explore your own experiences of stress. As you listen to David you will be inspired and possibly even find ways to help yourself with the issues currently facing you in your life.

David Finer inspires us to not only survive but thrive.

Photo credit: Gratisography